
Fast Mac and Cheese

Did you grow up on Kraft® Dinner?  Here's an alternative that's just as fast. For all the variations, and more information than you really need, click here for the full blog post.Fast Mac and Cheese - Just as fast as the stuff in the box. - Dry pasta ((small shapes work best) (Gluten Free Pasta [...]

By |June 26th, 2015|Recipe Post|0 Comments

Ricotta Gnocchi

This may be a project you would like to undertake with a friend:  Make a budget, make a big batch, have a little feast while you freeze up the surplus, then share the spoils.  Party in the kitchen!   To check out the full blog posting featuring this recipe, and for LOTS of variations on the theme, click [...]

By |June 3rd, 2015|Recipe Post|0 Comments